About Our Apprenticeship Program
An Apprenticeship is a system of training a trade or profession with on-the-job training and often some accompanying study. Most training is done while working for an employer who helps the apprentice learn their trade or profession, in exchange for their continued labor for an agreed period after they have achieved measurable competencies. (Wikipedia 2017)
Although the practice of apprenticing has fallen out of popularity over the last several hundred years, for most of human history, apprenticing has been a hallmark of personal and professional advancement. We hope to revive this practice for the modern age by enlisting the help of company ‘Sponsors’ who can act as a patron to an individual who would like to learn the skills and experience needed to work for the job they are hiring for.
Unlike a traditional one-on-one apprenticeship, our program is original and more encompassing, as it leverages the combined daily growth and experience of five apprentices at the same time. Each apprentice, working for one unique sponsor, will be able to add to the joint knowledge and experiences of each other as they share tips, techniques and ideas. In addition, each Apprentice will also have an independent ‘Mentor’ who is NOT part of the traditional ‘Master/Apprentice’ relationship. The traditional one-on-one relationship still exists and the primary source of experience is the ‘Master’ (in our case The ‘Facilitator’), but these others sources of growth and insight will all contribute to the ‘Sponsor’s’ company’s and the Apprentices’ joint success.
The sponsored ‘Apprentice’ will work under the direct supervision of our Master Internet Marketer (The Facilitator), with guidance and feedback from a ‘Mentor’ on behalf of The ‘Sponsor’, for, no less than, four hours a day – five days a week.
With the contractual obligations for The ‘Sponsor’ met, the ‘Apprentice’ will be able to dedicate his/her remaining time to individual development. It will be entirely up to The ‘Apprentice’ to determine how much, or how little, he/she works on their personal business, between assigned tasks and activities.
You can meet The ‘Apprentices’ here, apply to become an ‘Apprentice’ here, and view the ‘Apprentice’ discussion group here.
Winning The Competition
The Phoenix Initiative attempts to accomplish several complex goals at the same time. Not only is the program a “life-restart” for people who need a second chance in life, but it is also a documentary meant to show others that anything can be done or accomplished. But, that is not all! The program is also a contest between ‘Apprentices’ and their ‘Mentors’. Any ‘Apprentice’ that has built a business that can be valued at $1 Million dollars by the end of the 12 months is considered a winner. It is possible to have more than one winner – but not all ‘Apprentices’ can win. In the event that all five ‘Apprentices’ have businesses valued over the $1 Million dollar threshold, the least valuable company will be considered the “loser” of the contest.
‘The Winner(s)’ get to donate the all of the profits of ‘The Losers’ to a charity of their choice. Any and all profits ‘The Winner(s)’ have generated over the 12 month period are their’s to keep and use as they see fit with no conditions. The business that the “Apprentice’ has been building, is theirs to keep and operate going forward.
Failing The Compeition
The ‘Apprentices’ who have lost the competition but, completed the full 12 month program, will walk away with only a guaranteed job offer and ownership of the company they have been working on. Although the first year’s profits will have been donated to charity, the losers business profit’s going forward are maintained by the ‘Apprentice’ (business owner),
Quitting Or Being Voted Out
In both cases, the ‘Apprentice’ is committed to a second year of The Phoenix Initiative in which the ‘Apprentice’ will graduate to a ‘Facilitator’ and host their own project in a location of their choice. Any ‘Apprentice’ is quits or is voted out prior to the completion of the 12 months will walk away with only a bus ticket. Completing the 12 month program is the ONLY way to obtain the guaranteed job and keep the business that he/she has been working on.
Understanding Of Volunteering
The Phoenix Initiative is a VOLUNTEER ONLY program. By participating, ‘Apprentices’ have agreed that they are volunteering their time in exchange for learning a business. As in a classic Apprentice/Master relationship, the only compensation that the ‘Apprentice’ is entitled to is room and board, and the knowledge and experience they obtain. ‘Apprentices’ are NOT paid or entitled to anything unless the contest is completed.