The Uberman Workout is designed to leverage the Uberman polyphasic sleep schedule. Staying active and healthy is extremely important when you are trying to reduce your sleep intake to just two hours. Getting your heart rate up through vigorous exercise is a perfect way to prevent over-sleeping or lethargic behavior after waking up. The following workout routine was developed by taking the best workout practices from around the world and combining them into an easily repeatable routine.
Exercise 1: The Quadratus Lumborum Walk
~ QL Walking ~
‘Butt Walking’ might have been a fad before hemorrhoid treatments were available, but today it is used for glute and quardratus lumborum training and reduction of lower back pain. While relatively simple in concept, pulling it off while not looking silly is much more difficult.
- Start by sitting flat on the ground with your legs extended in front of you.
- Next, by flexing muscles in your buttocks, alternate each butt cheek as you ‘walk’ forwards and backwards.
- Repeat 15 times forward and 15 times backwards.
- Complete at least one rep once every 4 hour nap-cycle.
Advanced QL Walking
After you have mastered the initial QL Walking, you can increase resistance by holding a bar or kettle bell. Increase the weight until the walk becomes challenging and add ‘turning-in-circle’ to your 15 steps backwards and forwards.
Exercise 2: The Jefferson Curl
~ J-Curls ~
The Jefferson Curl is a very slow and controlled dead-lift from an elevated position. Great for mid-back mobility and pain management, it is a great exercise for anyone who spends long hours hunched over a computer desk. Some people may not have the flexibility to complete the exercise properly in the first several weeks. However, as you practice and increase your ability to stretch, the workout will become more manageable.
- Begin by standing on a platform or raised surface (cinder blocks work great).
- Hold a lightweight barbell at waist height and lock your legs.
- Keeping your chin as close to your chest as possible, slowly bend over and ‘curl’ your head, neck, and back until the bar is below the platform you are standing on.
- Slowly return to an upright position, focusing on each vertebrae individually.
- Repeat for 5 reps.
Advanced Jefferson Curls
If you are able to master the initial J-Curl, you can increase difficulty and results by increasing the weight of the bar and increasing the number of repetitions.
Exercise 3: Shoulder Extensions
~ Shoulder Extension ~
Shoulder Extensions are relatively easy to master, though if you have reduced flexibility in your shoulders and arms, be prepared for some discomfort. Use a bar or wooden dowel (or broomstick) to help extend your muscles further than would otherwise be possible.
- Start by standing straight, holding the dowel behind your back with both hands.
- Slowly raise the dowel up as far as you can, stretching your arms and shoulders.
- Repeat for 5 repetitions.
Advanced Shoulder Extensions
We do not recommend that additional weight or difficulty be added to this exercise. The goal of the exercise is to increase shoulder range of motion, not increase muscle mass.
Exercise 4: The Thoracic Bridge
~ J-Curls ~
The Thoracic Bridge is a great exercise for maintaining mobility and range of motion. It takes a bit of practice to master, but once you can do one – it should be a go-to in your workout/stretch routines.
- Begin in a crawling position with your hand and toes touching the ground
- Raise your knees off the ground (only your palms and toes should be in contact)
- Keeping your left hand still, lift your right hand and rotate your hand, arm and torso.
- Repeat the process with your right hand remaining on the ground
- Slowly return to the raised crawl position.
- Repeat for 5 reps.
Advanced Thoracic Bridge
An advanced version of this exercise is often done by gymnasts. Instead of stopping the routine after you rotate, continue to rotate until you can place your raised hand behind your neck and back on the ground. Then proceed to raise your pelvis until you are able to create ‘a bridge’ that someone could crawl under.
Exercise 2: The Jefferson Curl
~ J-Curls ~
The Jefferson Curl is a very slow and controlled dead-lift from an elevated position. Great for mid-back mobility and pain management, it is a great exercise for anyone who spends long hours hunched over a computer desk. Some people may not have the flexibility to complete the exercise properly in the first several weeks. However, as you practice and increase your ability to stretch, the workout will become more manageable.
- Begin by standing on a platform or raised surface (cinder blocks work great).
- Hold a lightweight barbell at waist height and lock your legs.
- Keeping your chin as close to your chest as possible, slowly bend over and ‘curl’ your head, neck, and back until the bar is below the platform you are standing on.
- Slowly return to an upright position, focusing on each vertebrae individually.
- Repeat for 5 reps.
Advanced Jefferson Curls
If you are able to master the initial J-Curl, you can increase difficulty and results by increasing the weight of the bar and increasing the number of repetitions.
Exercise 2: The Jefferson Curl
~ J-Curls ~
The Jefferson Curl is a very slow and controlled dead-lift from an elevated position. Great for mid-back mobility and pain management, it is a great exercise for anyone who spends long hours hunched over a computer desk. Some people may not have the flexibility to complete the exercise properly in the first several weeks. However, as you practice and increase your ability to stretch, the workout will become more manageable.
- Begin by standing on a platform or raised surface (cinder blocks work great).
- Hold a lightweight barbell at waist height and lock your legs.
- Keeping your chin as close to your chest as possible, slowly bend over and ‘curl’ your head, neck, and back until the bar is below the platform you are standing on.
- Slowly return to an upright position, focusing on each vertebrae individually.
- Repeat for 5 reps.
Advanced Jefferson Curls
If you are able to master the initial J-Curl, you can increase difficulty and results by increasing the weight of the bar and increasing the number of repetitions.
Exercise 2: The Jefferson Curl
~ J-Curls ~
The Jefferson Curl is a very slow and controlled dead-lift from an elevated position. Great for mid-back mobility and pain management, it is a great exercise for anyone who spends long hours hunched over a computer desk. Some people may not have the flexibility to complete the exercise properly in the first several weeks. However, as you practice and increase your ability to stretch, the workout will become more manageable.
- Begin by standing on a platform or raised surface (cinder blocks work great).
- Hold a lightweight barbell at waist height and lock your legs.
- Keeping your chin as close to your chest as possible, slowly bend over and ‘curl’ your head, neck, and back until the bar is below the platform you are standing on.
- Slowly return to an upright position, focusing on each vertebrae individually.
- Repeat for 5 reps.
Advanced Jefferson Curls
If you are able to master the initial J-Curl, you can increase difficulty and results by increasing the weight of the bar and increasing the number of repetitions.
Shoulder Extensions
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