As ambitious as The Phoenix Initiative is, what we have so far is just the tip of the iceberg. If we truly want to make an impact in the world, and if we truly want to demonstrate that anyone, anywhere can make massive changes in their lives; Then we have to go bigger and bolder. We have to make sure that people are empowered and truly believe that they too, can win in life.
Season Two:
In Season Two of The Phoenix Initiative, our 5 Apprentices will become Facilitators themselves, each hosting a new set of 5 Apprentices, now totaling 20. With each Apprentice ‘graduating’ year one of the program, they become a ‘Master’ who is then capable of sharing and coaching others into similar success.
Season Three:
Season Three will repeat the processes above, with each of the 20 previous Apprentices, becoming ‘Facilitators’ of their own group of 5 new Apprentices.
Season Four:
Season Four of The Phoenix Initiative still seems like a pipe-dream at this early stage. However, should all go as planned, year four will see us move the program overseas, perhaps even aboard a boat that travels to different location around the world.
Season Five:
Season Five will either start as a charter school for youth program, or a program for non-violent inmates. Check back in a few years for more details!